Accelerated Reader (AR) is a schoolwide sustained reading program of in each building and is considered integral to the elementary curriculum. AR uses the power of computer technology to help motivate, monitor, and guide critical reading practice so every student achieves maximum reading growth.
Our elementary schools, Highland Park, Garfield, Lewis & Clark and the Lewistown Junior High School, have been using the Accelerated Reader program since 1995. Since that time, the program and use of our technology has constantly grown and expanded.
It's all about practice. Accelerated Reader (AR) encourages substantial differentiated reading practice to create strong readers. Based on each student's independent reading level, AR helps teachers set personalized goals for each student, and guide students to books difficult enough to keep them challenged, but not so difficult to cause frustration.
The program is based on three simple steps:
- Select a book
- Read the book.
- Take the multiple choice test on a computer and receive points for performance.
Students, from First Grade through Sixth Grade earn “book bucks” for the points they receive when taking AR tests. These "book bucks" can be redeemed at each schools AR Store for school supplies and other rewards. Students are also recognized, throughout the year, for their achievements in the Accelerated Reader Wall of Fame.